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Gluten-Free Breakfast Ideas For Winter Blog

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Gluten-Free Breakfast Ideas For Winter

Winter is the season when our energy levels naturally decline and you desperately yearn to sleep in until the sun starts to warm the landscapes. It is always hard to get out of bed early in the morning when it is cold outside. It is even more difficult to get up and going when you are also battling the flu. The very last thing you should do when you are all cold and sick is to eat chilled foods like an icy cereal breakfast. A warm and hearty breakfast will make you feel much better and can give you the energy you need to survive a busy and bustling day.

Getting your fill of a warm breakfast isn’t as hard as you might think. In this guide, we are going to share a couple of great gluten-free breakfast ideas that are perfect for early winter mornings.

Pancakes And Syrup

There is nothing that beats a warm pancake on a chilly winter morning. Pancakes or hotcakes are some of the easiest breakfast foods you can possibly make. All you need to do is buy a pack of pre-mix gluten-free pancake flour, whip it up, and grill it in a pan. With pre-mixed flour packs, you can prepare a warm and hearty breakfast within minutes. These delicious pancakes can be served with a variety of extras like delicious energy-boosting maple syrup or even some quick-fried bacon. 

Stuffed Croissants

Croissants stuffed with ham and cheese are a breakfast that is sure to warm your heart. This french inspired breakfast is pretty easy to whip up if you already have pre-made gluten-free croissants. Simply slice them open, add a dash of grated cheese and a mix of baked ham and mushrooms, and allow them to warm up in the oven while you take a steamy morning shower. It is an ideal breakfast because you can whip it up within 15 minutes.

Scrambled Egg On Multigrain Bread

Scrambled egg on multigrain bread is a true winner if you are looking for a tasty gluten-free and low-GI meal. It is very quick and easy to whip up some warm scrambled eggs in a pan and you can even add a little bit of cheese or milk to your mix if you prefer a creamier scrambled egg. Give the egg a quick fry and place it on some gluten-free multi-grain bread and you will have a very filling and energy-boosting breakfast to fuel your morning. 

Savoury Muffins

Savoury muffins are absolutely divine if you warm them up in the oven or microwave. This is an ideal breakfast treat and it can also double as a lunch or as a mid-day snack. One of the best things about savoury muffins is that you can easily buy them in bulk and pop them in the freezer. They will be just as tasty if you let them slowly taw through the night and you can easily warm them up in the morning before leaving the house for work. If you are buying in bulk then it is best to choose a mix of flavours like cheese and bacon muffins, pumpkin and fetta muffins, and spinach and fetta muffins so you can alternate flavours. 

Double Chocolate Muffin With Coffee

If you have a bit of a sweet tooth and always struggle with low energy levels early in the morning then it might be time to start your day with a double chocolate muffin and some steamy coffee. The sweet chocolate muffin is sure to give you a huge kick of energy and the delicious chocolaty aroma will release some endorphins into your bloodstream which will make you feel much better about getting up early during winter.

If breakfast is always a headache in your home then you should start shopping from Gluten Free 4 U Melbourne. At this gluten-free bakery, we have a wide range of delicious gluten-free foods to choose from that are perfect for warming up any cold winter day. 

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