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Gluten-Free Lunch Ideas For Action-Packed Days

On busy work days or fun-filled sporty days, you need to think twice about the way you pack your lunch bag. Instead of packing the usual sandwich and apple, your lunchbox for these days should be focusing on energy-boosting foods. Energy-boosting and filling foods can give you that extra spring in your step and will keep you from experiencing that afternoon plunge.

It can also be a good idea to craft a lunchbox with lots of small bites. Foods that are easy to munch on the go, or bite into while you take a quick break can be a true blessing when your day gets too busy for a sit-down meal.

Accomplishing all this can be tough when you also need to check your gluten intake. So what foods should you include for hustle and bustle days? Here are some terrific ideas.

Pack a Few Sweet Bites

Sweet bites are very handy when things at work get too hectic. The sugary sweetness can give you a nice boost so you can push through busy times or sluggish meetings. These types of small treats can also be a perfect pickup whenever you are feeling a little bit depressed. Your lunch box should always have a couple of tasty sweet bites.

Bites like coconut roughs, chocolate mixed whirls, chocolate honeycomb, or raspberry jellies are a perfect treat to quickly munch on when your energy levels start to drop.

Make a Multigrain Sandwich

Gluten-free multigrain sandwiches are the ultimate lunchbox foods for busy days. Unlike normal white bread, the multigrain in these types of bread tends to digest much slower. While average white bread will give you a spike in energy followed by a low-energy slump, multigrains tend to be much steadier. The food takes longer to process and absorb. This means that sugar and other nutrients are slowly and evenly deposited into your bloodstream. Ultimately, this gives you a gradual and constant boost in energy for much longer and it is much better for a long workday.

Multigrain bread is also quite diverse since you can whip up so many different types of tasty sandwiches for the day. You will feel especially healthy and full if you add some protein-rich ingredients like cold meats to your sandwiches and these lunches will taste great with a light spread.

Add Some Mini Quiches

Quiches are terrific lunch box portions because these foods contain lots of protein. It is also pretty easy to warm up a quich in the microwave and these gluten-free treats are filling and soothign. You will instantly feel a lot better after munching on a quiche.

Pack a Gluten Free Muffin

A gluten free muffin is an ideal snack item to add to your lunch box. Muffins can be very filling and they taste great. They are also very convenient since you can easily grab one and munch on a five-minute break. Savoury muffins can be a good option if you are looking for something filling while a sweet chocolate muffin is perfect for a busy day because the sweetness will give you an extra boost.

Get The Best Gluten-Free Lunch Foods From Gluten Free 4 U

Gluten Free 4 U in Melbourne is the best gluten-free bakery to trust if you are looking for quality and fresh foods that are guaranteed to be free from gluten protein. These foods are not only made of the finest ingredients, but they also taste divine because our chefs invested a lot of time and effort in developing our recipes.

At our local bakery, you can find an abundance of delicious, healthy and freshly baked treats that can keep you full of life on even the toughest of days.

On busy work days or fun-filled sporty days, you need to think twice about the way you pack your lunch bag. Instead of packing the usual sandwich and apple, your lunchbox for these days should be focusing on energy-boosting foods. Energy-boosting and filling foods can give you that extra spring in your step and will keep you from experiencing that afternoon plunge.

It can also be a good idea to craft a lunchbox with lots of small bites. Foods that are easy to munch on the go, or bite into while you take a quick break can be a true blessing when your day gets too busy for a sit-down meal.

Accomplishing all this can be tough when you also need to check your gluten intake. So what foods should you include for hustle and bustle days? Here are some terrific ideas.

Pack a Few Sweet Bites

Sweet bites are very handy when things at work get too hectic. The sugary sweetness can give you a nice boost so you can push through busy times or sluggish meetings. These types of small treats can also be a perfect pickup whenever you are feeling a little bit depressed. Your lunch box should always have a couple of tasty sweet bites.

Bites like coconut roughs, chocolate mixed whirls, chocolate honeycomb, or raspberry jellies are a perfect treat to quickly munch on when your energy levels start to drop.

Make a Multigrain Sandwich

Gluten-free multigrain sandwiches are the ultimate lunchbox foods for busy days. Unlike normal white bread, the multigrain in these types of bread tends to digest much slower. While average white bread will give you a spike in energy followed by a low-energy slump, multigrains tend to be much steadier. The food takes longer to process and absorb. This means that sugar and other nutrients are slowly and evenly deposited into your bloodstream. Ultimately, this gives you a gradual and constant boost in energy for much longer and it is much better for a long workday.

Multigrain bread is also quite diverse since you can whip up so many different types of tasty sandwiches for the day. You will feel especially healthy and full if you add some protein-rich ingredients like cold meats to your sandwiches and these lunches will taste great with a light spread.

Add Some Mini Quiches

Quiches are terrific lunch box portions because these foods contain lots of protein. It is also pretty easy to warm up a quich in the microwave and these gluten-free treats are filling and soothign. You will instantly feel a lot better after munching on a quiche.

Pack a Gluten Free Muffin

A gluten free muffin is an ideal snack item to add to your lunch box. Muffins can be very filling and they taste great. They are also very convenient since you can easily grab one and munch on a five-minute break. Savoury muffins can be a good option if you are looking for something filling while a sweet chocolate muffin is perfect for a busy day because the sweetness will give you an extra boost.

Get The Best Gluten-Free Lunch Foods From Gluten Free 4 U

Gluten Free 4 U in Melbourne is the best gluten-free bakery to trust if you are looking for quality and fresh foods that are guaranteed to be free from gluten protein. These foods are not only made of the finest ingredients, but they also taste divine because our chefs invested a lot of time and effort in developing our recipes.

At our local bakery, you can find an abundance of delicious, healthy and freshly baked treats that can keep you full of life on even the toughest of days.

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